Higgins, J.A., Johnson, M.R. & Johnson, M.K. (2020). Age-related delay in reduced accessibility of refreshed items, Psychology and Aging, 35, 710-719.
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Tasimi, A., & Johnson, M. K. (2019). Children’s initial responses and beyond: Effects of niceness and similarity on preference, giving, and memory. Child Development, 90, 432-440.pdf
Simons, J.S., Garrison, J.R., & Johnson, M.K. (2017). Brain mechanisms of reality monitoring. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 21, 462-473.
Tasimi, A., Johnson, M.K., & Wynn, K. (2017). Children’s decision-making: When self interest and moral considerations conflict. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 161, 195-201.
van den Honert, R.N., McCarthy, G., & Johnson, M.K. (2017). Holistic versus feature-based binding i the medial temporal lobe. Cortex, 91, 56-66.
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Hirst, W., Phelps, E.A., Meksin, R. Vaidya, C.J., Johnson, M.K., Mitchell, K.J, et al. (2015). A ten-year follow-up of a study of memory for the attack of September 11, 2001: Flashbulb memories and memories for flashbulb events. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144, 604-623.
Tasimi, A., & Johnson, M. K. (2015). A self-serving bias in children’s memories? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144, 528-533.
Johnson, M. R., McCarthy, G., Muller, K. A., Brudner, S. N., & Johnson, M. K. (in press). Electrophysiological correlates of refreshing: Event-related potentials associated with directing reflective attention to face, scene, or word presentations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 27, 1823-1839.
Johnson, M. K., Kuhl, B. A., Mitchell, K. J., Ankudowich, E., & Durbin, K. A. (2015). Age-related differences in the neural basis of the subjective vividness of memories: Evidence from multivoxel pattern classification. Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Neuroscience, 15, 644-661.
Kim, K., & Johnson, M.K. (2015). Distinct neural networks support the mere ownership effect under different motivational contexts. Social Neuroscience, 10, 376-390.
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Roth, J.K., Johnson, M.K., Tokoglu, F., Murphy, I., & Constable, R.T. (2014). Modulating intrinsic connectivity: Adjacent subregions within supplementary motor cortex, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and parietal cortex connect to separate functional networks during task and also connect during rest. PLoS ONE, 9, e90672. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090672
Sugimori, E., Mitchell, K.J., Raye, C.L., Greene, E.J., & Johnson, M.K. (2014). Brain mechanisms underlying reality monitoring for heard and imagined words. Psychological Science, 25, 403-413. doi:10.1177/0956797613505776
Ebner, N.C., Johnson, M.R., Rieckmann, A., Durbin, K.A., Johnson, M.K., & Fischer, H. (2013). Processing own-age vs. other-age faces: Neuro-behavioral correlates and effects of emotion. NeuroImage, 78, 363-371. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2013.04.029
Higgins, J.A., & Johnson, M.K. (2013). Lost thoughts: Implicit semantic interference impairs reflective access to currently active information. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142, 6-11. doi:10.1037/a0028191
Johnson, M.R., Higgins, J.A., Norman, K.A., Sederberg, P.B., Smith, T.A., & Johnson, M.K. (2013). Foraging for thought: an inhibition-of-return-like effect resulting from directing attention within working memory. Psychological Science. Published online 7 May 2013. doi:10.1177/0956797612466414
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Kuhl, B.A., Johnson, M.K., & Chun, M.M. (2013). Dissociable neural mechanisms for goal-directed versus incidental memory reactivation. The Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 16099-16109. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0207-13.2013
Mitchell, K.J., Ankudowich, E., Durbin, K.A., Greene, E.J., & Johnson, M.K. (2013). Age-related differences in agenda-driven monitoring of format and task information. Neuropsychologia, 51, 2427-2441. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.01.012
Ebner, N.C., Johnson, M.K., & Fischer, H. (2012). Neural mechanisms of reading facial emotions in young and older adults. Frontiers of Emotion Science, 3, Article 223. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2012.00223
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Ebner, N.C., He, Y., Fichtenholtz, H.M., McCarthy, G., & Johnson, M.K. (2011). Electrophysiological correlates of processing faces of younger and older individuals. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 6, 526-535. doi:10.1093/scan/nsq074
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Ebner, N.C., & Johnson, M.K. (2010). Age-group differences in interference from young and older emotional faces. Cognition & Emotion, 24, 1095-1116. doi:10.1080/02699930903128395
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Turk-Browne, N.B., Scholl, B.J., Johnson, M.K., & Chun, M.M. (2010). Implicit perceptual anticipation triggered by statistical learning. The Journal of Neuroscience, 30, 11177-11187. doi:10.1523/jneurosci.0858-10.2010
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Hirst, W., Phelps, E.A., Buckner, R.L., Budson, A.E., Cuc, A., Gabrieli, J.D.E., Johnson, M.K., Lyle, K.B., Lustig, C., Mather, M., Meksin, R., Mitchell, K.J., Ochsner, K.N., Schacter, D.L., Simons, J.S., & Vaidya, C.J. (2009). Long-term memory for the terrorist attack of September 11: Flashbulb memories, event memories, and the factors that influence their retention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 138, 161-176.
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Mitchell, K.J., Raye, C.L., Ebner, N.C., Tubridy, S.M., Frankel, H., & Johnson, M.K. (2009). Age-group differences in medial cortex activity associated with thinking about self-relevant agendas. Psychology and Aging, 24, 438-449.
Roth, J.K., Johnson, M.K., Raye, C.L., & Constable, R.T. (2009). Similar and dissociable mechanisms for attention to internal versus external information. NeuroImage, 48, 601-608.
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Grillon, M.L., Johnson, M.K., Krebs, M.O., & Huron, C. (2008). Comparing effects of perceptual and reflective repetition on subjective experience during later recognition memory. Consciousness and Cognition, 17, 753-764. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2007.09.004
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Mitchell, K.J., Raye, C.L., McGuire, J.T., Frankel, H., Greene, E.J., & Johnson, M.K. (2008). Neuroimaging evidence for agenda-dependent monitoring of different features during short-term source memory tests. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 34, 780-790.
Raye, C.L., Mitchell, K.J., Reeder, J.A., Greene, E.J., & Johnson, M.K. (2008). Refreshing one of several active representations: Behavioral and functional magnetic resonance imaging differences between young and older adults. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 20, 852-862.
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Johnson, M.K., Mitchell, K.J., Raye, C.L., & Greene, E.J. (2004). An age-related deficit in prefrontal cortical function associated with refreshing information. Psychological Science, 15, 127-132.
Lyle, K.B., & Johnson, M.K. (2004). Effects of verbalization on lineup face recognition in an interpolated inspection paradigm. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 18, 393-403.
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Olson, I.R., Zhang, J.X., Mitchell, K.J., Johnson, M.K., Bloise, S.M., & Higgins, J.A. (2004). Preserved spatial memory over brief intervals in older adults. Psychology and Aging, 19, 310-317.
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